VisualTCAD 2024.06


VisualTCAD Process Simulator

  • New features:

    • The 3D topo and mesh engine are continuously optimizing. More robust algorithm is provided.
    • 3D analytic iso etch and deposit is provided, and will be used as default iso algorithm; if failed, levelset will be used as back-up.
    • The 3D mesh quality is improved.
    • REFINEBOX 3D provide growth_ratio, parallel_size function for type "interfacial".
    • 2D Monte Carlo implantation is provided. Si, Ge, SiC and multiple amorphous materials are supported.
    • Implant table methodology is optimized.
    • Post-process is added for both MC and table implantation.
    • For convenience, the Silicon will converted to StrainedSiliconGermanium automatically in necessary processes.
    • Paramset format is changed for compatibility with other process modules.
    • SiGe and SiC oxidation are supported.
    • 3D ox_grid_not_move in DIFFUSION is supported.
    • Add "lattice_factor" function to consider the lattice dislocation caused lattice mismatch relaxation.
    • PHOTO 3D is supported.
    • EXTRACT 3D is supported.
    • DEPOSIT / DISPLACE with vertex / element fields are supported.
    • LOAD_PROFILE is supported.
    • More function for 3d contact definition.
    • Mask from gds is supported.
  • Bug fixes:

    • 3D surface interpolation is corrected.
    • Implantation bugs are corrected.
    • 3D directional etch.
    • Mesh repeatability.

VisualTCAD Device Simulator

  • New features:

    • Add HOOK plt function to extract specific physical field information from each step of the simulation for calculation
    • Add OUTPUT Variables function to filter output physical field information
    • Update Coulomb2D mobility model to include interface trap impact
    • Add piezoresistance mobility model
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed can’t modify parameter of TCLCO.
    • Fixed the incorrect amplification factor of Z.width in 3D simulation.

VisualTCAD Workbench

  • New features:
    • Add file filtering to the file selection area, involving: Visualize, Project & Cell Cleanup.
    • Step, Module, Parameter support for pasting forward/backward.
    • Optimize the status display when copying a running project into a new project.
    • Import experiments support for selecting multiple Nulls.
    • Cell find supports regular and exact matching.
    • Cell Explorer context menu allows for multi-selection and filtering of file directories.
    • When deleting Values under Filter, it should not affect all experiments.
    • Support editing parameter to add comments.
    • Project tree support to drag and cut.
    • Optimize the state dispaly after the project copy.
    • Optimize cleaning project, support to filter and delet output files.

VisualTCAD Visual

  • New features:
    • Adjustments for the axial and free orientation of 2D/3D Cutline, when set to plot on the same graph, should unify the operational dimensions (either individual axial or free) to plot them together on the same graph.
    • Add unit display to the Field and Legend in 2D/3D Plot.
    • Data processing for the modulus of 2D/3D vector data.
    • Scalar component splitting for 3D vector data.
    • Update Material configuration does not show the activated field except Insulator, Resistance, Conductor, Vaccum. The others display the activated field.
    • Optimize tdr, tar file parsing.
    • Open the suite documents when click the Help.


  • New features:
    • Add lump function,merge multiple conductor blocks into one to solve.
    • Adjustments to the mesh volume checking rules now ignore tetrahedral meshes with zero volume in the input geometry.

VisualTCAD 2024.03


VisualTCAD Process Simulator

  • New features:

    • The 3D topo and mesh engine are continuously optimizing. A new isotropic algorithm is provided.
    • Element fields interpolation during re-meshing is supported.
    • Assemble algorithms for FVM and FEM are accelerated by 75~100%.
    • Provide more methods to generate polyhedrons.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Refinebox will be correctly kept after mirror/flip and save/load.
    • Update some implantation algorithm.

VisualTCAD Device Simulator

  • New features:

    • Add "Current" and "Electricfield" display to 2D and 3D result file.
    • Add regular search to region in par file.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed incorrect result of interface mobility model when H.mob=false.

VisualTCAD Workbench

  • New features:
    • Mjobs execution time optimization.
    • Scheduler configuration 'queues:auto_threads' supports division.
    • Preprocess performance optimization -python expression calculation performance optimization.
    • Cleaning, Run, editing and optimization of large projects.
    • Parameter names cannot contain Spaces.
    • Create blank project optimization.

VisualTCAD 2024.02


VisualTCAD Process Simulator

  • New features:

    • The 3D mesh engine is re-builded. Much more stable 3d mesh generation.
    • A 3D process templates is provided: n/p FinFET.
    • Update xxxTotal field after implantation.
    • Visco-elastic stress model has been implemented.
    • Dopant (C or P) caused strain has been implemented.
    • More stable 3d structure generation and 3d mesh generation.
    • The topology can be kept during oxidation for only OED effect.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Update table implantation interpolation algorithm.
    • Correct Oxidation speed for low-pressure Oxidation.

VisualTCAD Device Simulator

  • New features:

    • Add Lucky model in hot carrier injection.
    • Add nonlocal band-to-band tunneling.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed Fiegna model in hot carrier injection.

VisualTCAD Workbench

  • New features:

    • Optimized the project tree.
    • Add open documents folder,on the toolbar help menu.
    • Added an option to exclude useless files, when exporting project.
    • Dynamic control of the simulation tool parallel parameters.
    • Save the project experiments cell size.
    • Optimized the insert parameter.
    • Check the project status, when execute "preprocess and run together".
    • Enhanced selection experiment operation.
    • When the search box opens, leave the first two lines of the display area blank, on the cell explorer page.
    • Optimized the single line large file opening.
    • Improved preprocess performance - refactored the lexer&parser.
    • Add the same name check, when preprocess/wbv extract the defined name and the parameter name.
    • Provide direct access to parameter and variable values when preprocess python expressions.
  • Bug fixes:

    • When copying a parent folder to a subfolder of this folder, an infinite loop occurs and copy does not stop.

VisualTCAD Visual

  • New features:

    • Added python scripts run log and optimized error output.
    • Optimized 1D curve table show.
    • Featured 2D BND File Visualization.
    • Optimized Performance for 2D Cutline Algorithm.
    • Enhanced 2D Legend Interaction.
    • Optimized Output for ‘create_cutplane’ and ‘get_curve_data’ Commands.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed 2D View cut from 3D dataset can not modify legend range.
    • Fixed no error output when execute python script.

VisualTCAD 2023.12


VisualTCAD Process Simulator

  • New features:
    • Demo for 3d process simulation is coming. Basic etch, dep, mesh, analytic implantation, diffusion are supported. Please refer to the 3d demo template.
    • 2d coordinate system change to X-Z due to compatibility with 3D: right is X+, up is Z+(changed from Y- to Z+). All the vertical coordinates shall be inverted. We do apology that this update will cause compatibility problems for the old script.
    • VisualTCAD Process has new file format: “tar”. This format is actually a compressed file, and it stores many process simulation settings. Thus, some old regulations can be removed.
    • Some commands are changed due to compatibility with 3d, such as “effective_rectangle” will be changed to “effective_box”, “effective_rectangle” is deprecated while still works.
    • 2d refinebox capability enhanced: normal mesh refine with more effective growth_ratio; can use mask to define refinebox.
    • 2d contact capability enhanced: effective_box for all contact strategies; can use mask to define contact.
    • VisualTCAD Process will support simultaneous oxidation for O2, H2O and N2O. However, the N2O will cause only oxidation not nitridation.
    • The field in the interface can be stored in output file.
  • Bug fixes:
    • The surface dose loss is too much.
    • Wafer orientation and other process information are not passed to next module.
    • Oxidation speed with little H2 is not correct.
    • The diffusion will dump if time is not stated.
    • The mirrored refinebox is not passed to next module.

VisualTCAD Device Simulator

  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed nonlocal tunneling current calcul ation for hole.
    • Fixed an-isotropic electrical permittivit y for LiNbO3 material.
    • Fixed physical unit of Okuto model when power of driving force is not equal to 1.0.
    • Fixed crash problem for displacement damage solver.

VisualTCAD Workbench

  • New features:

    • Check the permissions on directories,when create the project.
    • Show the lock identifier,when a step or module is locked.
    • Optimize the run limit configuration max_jobs.
    • Project tab add the right-click options(Copy Full Path, Open Folder in System, Open Terminal Here).
    • Support [Refresh All] in Project Tree.
    • Support [Collapse All] in Project Tree.
    • Support enable experiments matching,when adding filter.
    • Search parameters,values,and cells.
    • Optimize Append Values.
    • Insert after the last Step,the view automatically moves to the right.
    • Optimize Explorer Performance.
    • Optimize cell explorer text search.
    • Optimize preprocess.
  • Bug fixes:

    • After the project compressed package fails to be imported, the file with the same name is deleted.
    • The project status is abnormal (always finished).
    • Exit and restart,the previously folded root folder is expanded again.

VisualTCAD Visual

  • New features:

    • Added enhanced search functionality for Field, Variable, Material, and more.
    • Added support for bnd and tar file format.
    • Optimized logic for plotting band.
    • Optimized initial window position for the application.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed a crash issue when plotting 1D large data curves.

VisualTCAD Structure

  • New features:

    • Provide examples for finfet, nanosheet, dram in wb applications library.
    • Improve some python api for convenience.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Correct bnd quality.


  • New features:
    • The -D prefix is no longer required when specifying a DF-ISE file, only the file name is given, and the lepton solver can detect the file type (TDR/DF-ISE) by itself.
    • The usage of the parameters has been corrected to “-OPTION PARAMETER”, that is, there must be a space between the parameter name and the parameter.

VisualTCAD 2023.11


VisualTCAD Process Simulator

  • New features:

    • "PARAM_SET" command to modify the diffusion parameters and diffusion factor.
    • SiC activation model: time-dependent moment1 model withhigh reaction speed.
    • Mesh flip to same direction.
    • Region merge function.
    • Can specify certain material during CMP etch.
    • Add temporary material for deposit and etch.
    • More parameters to control diffusion time step.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Correct OED effect for long time oxidation.
    • Correct continuous boundary at multipleregions intersection point.
    • Correct long time low-temperature diffusion.

VisualTCAD Device Simulator

  • New features:

    • Enable Fermi distribution in fast transient solver, which is able to simulate device with millions of mesh nodes.
    • Simulator is tolerant of degenerated mesh elements, i.e. flat tetrahedron with zero volume.
    • Enable solder pad boundary embedded in the structure.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fix a conservation issue in AC current which may cause an capacitance error around 1%.
    • Fix mobility issue of several materials when doping concentration is zero.
    • Fix solver with quad-double precision crash at parallel environment.
    • Fix an inaccurate issue of expm1 derivative evaluation.

VisualTCAD Workbench

  • New features:

    • When a job is running, variables need to be extracted from the standard output of the job, no matter whether the job succeeds or fails in the process.
    • When the input configuration of the tool has no label information, the project configuration of the tool is not displayed in the edit input menu.
    • Support for modifying filter name.
    • Support the selection of run queues.
    • When adding Step, Module, or parameter, the function “apply” that allows for continuous addition.
    • The parameter values are similar to the numerical processing of 1, 1.0 1.0e0.
    • The Clean up Cell page supports Clear cell Files.
    • After the node is selected, preprocessed or deleted, the experiment still keeps the node selected.
    • Support Step, Module, Parameter copy, cut, paste.
    • When the Cell explorer is closed, the location and size are remembered. The next time cell explorer is opened in the original location.
    • Optimize the Cell explorer search style ,open the search box for text files by default.
    • Support selecting multiple cells to open and delete files.
    • Cell Explorer supports filtering files.
    • Support file type filtering ,when opening the visualization dialog.
    • Add create_ Link function. Only effective when preprocess=false.
    • Logs hide input file information that does not need to be preprocessedc.
    • Merge run configuration to tool configuration, adding mruncfg information by default.
  • Bug fixes:

    • After selecting experiment save as project, the original project with modifications is directly closed, and the user needs to be prompted whether to save the modifications.
    • The selected cell is not maintained after you clean up the cell by using the title menu bar, toolbar, or Ctrl+D shortcut.
    • When there is a blank line before the first module, the system reports a warning during preprocessing.

VisualTCAD Visual

  • New features:

    • Supported Sorting of One-Dimensional Curves.
    • Expanded support for 1D PLX data sets.
    • Supported customizable ticks positioning on 1D axis.
    • Supported display and control of 2D grids.
    • Optimized opening of DFISE files.
    • Introduction of "remove_plot" command.
    • Supported custom integration ranges.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Optimized return value on execution failure.
    • Fixed an issue with 3D rotation around an axis.

VisualTCAD Structure

  • New features:

    • Provide multiple applications examples.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Return value of main function.
    • Region rename after splitting.
    • Region rename when importing sat file.


  • New features:
    • Solve the Laplace equation on a tetrahedral finite element grid.
    • The capacitance between conductors is calculated in the dielectric area, and the resistance between the boundary port (including the user setting port) is solved inside the conductor.
    • Read-in geometry and tetrahedral finite element mesh data , support Cogenda VisualTCAD Structure/Process DF-ISE format.
    • Output contains capacitance matrix data, resistance matrix data, and a parasitic RC netlist assigning capacitance values in resistance ports.
    • Electric field data including electrostatic potential(scalar) , electric field (vector), current density (vector), and conductivity (scalar) is optional for output.
    • VisualTCAD RCEx supports the setting of the interface surface resistivity on the boundary surface between conductors in the resistance calculation, and supports the three models of conductor conductivity modeling.
    • Support the capacitor/resistance distributed extraction function based on structure space segmentation.

MozzTCAD 2023.10


Mozz Device Simulator

  • New features:

    • Add new compound semiconductor material InGaAsP.
    • Add new material LiNbO3 with an-isotropic dielectric coefficient.
    • Add PWL support for vsource and isource.
    • Support small signal AC sweep for optical generation.
    • Improved initialize speed of distance-to-surface.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed dopant naming for SiC material.
    • Fixed convergence test of MIX solver.
    • Avoid crash when stress PMI not exist.

Mozz Process Simulator

  • New features:
    • SiGe Diffusion model: mole-fraction parameter interpolation, coupling stress and diffusion.
    • More materials supported in diffusion: HfO2, TiNitride, TiSilicide, SiC.
    • Faster dynamic compiling.
    • PAI co-implant model.
  • Bug fixes: * More stable diffusion.

    Mozz Workbench

    • New features:
      • Optimize example applications generation.
      • Optimize the display of project directories when opening and saving projects.
      • Support top the root directory of the project tree.
      • Improve the copy operation in the project tree.
      • Add a running status display for project trees.
      • Support cleaning up non-existent Cell folders and Step input files in projects.
      • Support project reloading.
      • Display a prompt for duplicate file names when adding Flow Steps.
      • Automatically include names when adding steps.
      • When selecting multiple experiments to append value, the new experiment will only be added based on these selected experiments.
      • When adding experiments based on parameter values, locate the parameter nearby for easy editing.
      • Operations under Filters will only take effect within the scope of the Filter.
      • When running a Cell, execute the settings related to dependencies.
      • When using slurm scheduling, no longer generate files.
      • Prompt for occupied files during clean up and perform continuous deletion.
      • Switch the explicit merging of cells in the table.
      • Cell information switching displays runtime, server information, JobID, dependencies, etc. and can be quickly accessed with shortcut keys.
      • Quickly select operations using the selected cell.
      • Quickly select experiment cells.
      • Optimized performance and querying of Cell Explorer text filtering .
      • Cell Explorer supports opening visualization tools for multiple selections with the same format.
      • Cell Explorer remembers the previous location of opened files.
      • Project Explorer/Cell Explorer file system directory displays file list sorting optimization.
      • Cell Explorer supports deleting multiple selected files.
      • Cell Explorer supports displaying file directories.
      • Optimized Visualizer prompts.
      • Supports running visualization scripts after preprocessing, and displaying multiple items in the order selected by cells from left to right and top to bottom.
      • Optimized performance of preprocessing.
      • Preprocessing python expressions supports nesting with @[].
      • Preprocessing macro definitions support parameter passing and multi-line macros.
      • If the tool has modules, the save and load cmd of the command should be added.
      • Preprocessing reference @() supports nesting.
      • Added configurations for empty columns and rows.
      • Added configurations for opening tools in system folders.

    Mozz Visual

    • New features:
      • Enhanced Plot Sorting and Hiding.
      • Improved Axis Zooming in One-Dimensional Plots.
      • Extended Element Visualization for Scalar and Vector Data.
      • Optimized Calculation Speed for Integration, Maximum, and Minimum Value.

    Mozz Structure

    • New features:
      • More capability to build and edit the structures.
      • Provide the script macro recording function for main operations. User can load this macro in later use.
    • Bug fixes:
      • GUI breakdown.

    Mozz Extract

    • New features:
      • Plenty of data operation functions.
      • Several robust optimization algorithm.
      • Binning support of the extracted models.
      • Supports RSM analysis of the extracted spice models.

MozzTCAD 2023.9


Mozz Device Simulator

  • New features:

    • Support floating number with 64/80/128/192/256 bit precision to resolve small current under 1e-30 A.
    • Support pseudo-time method for stabilized avalanche simulation with local feedback theory.
    • Improved Bank-Rose damping for SiC support.
    • Improved DC stepping algorithm.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed thermal emit current for Fermi statistic of hetero junction.

Mozz Process Simulator

  • New features:
    • More robust structure generation.
    • Optimized analytic implantation table, Co-Implant model, reflection boundary condition.
    • More robust oxidation, new orientation-dependent oxidation speed.
    • Brand new binary-tree mesh generation. Optimized axial, field-dependent and new interfacial strategies are provided.
    • Optimized contact definition.
    • Many convenient functions: point, polygon, mask, profile.
    • Add mobility model for dopant concentration to resistance convention.
    • New diffusion models including Imp2Diff, stream3, moment1, trapsegregation and co-diffusion. Highly customizable formula with dynamic compiling.
    • Stress Models: include thermal expansion, lattice mismatch and intrinsic mismatch.
    • Recipe function to include thermal ramp up and down.

Mozz Workbench

  • New features:
    • Support projects management, copy and modify execution of existing projects and cases.
    • Support parameterized experiments and input file management, automate running simulation.
    • Facilitate quick viewing and analysis of simulation data and files.
    • Support scheduling, execution, and monitoring of experimental simulation jobs.
    • Support Python script processing of projects and experimental related simulation operations.
    • Add Split Module to Implementation Block Running.
    • Support copying variables and parameter values in the experiment list.
    • Add properties for experiments, Cell nodes and variables.
    • Support deleting multiple Steps, Modules, and Parameters.
    • Add the Reload operation for Simulation projects.
    • Support saving selected experiments as new projects.
    • Add support for displaying packaged projects in the project tree.
    • Support including experiments in a new Filter.
    • Optimize the performance of Preprocessing and Cell Explorer.
    • Python toolkit integration: pandas, scipy, matplotlib and sklearn.

Mozz Visual

  • New features:
    • Enable visualization of one-dimensional and two-dimensional data.
    • Support manipulation and display for three-dimensional data.
    • Facilitate linking and special linking operations for multiple graphics of the same type.
    • Provide functionality for data extraction using Probe.
    • Allow interaction with Python through interactive commands.
    • Enable Cutline and axial Cut Plane operations.
    • Introducing Field Integration Operations.
    • Three-dimensional measurement support.
    • Display information about a selected point on a structure use Probe.
    • Three-dimensional linking capabilities.
    • Support for interactive python commands in a three-dimensional context.
    • Display of two-dimensional and three-dimensional contact data.

Mozz Structure

  • New features:
    • Optimize 2D structure editing,Easier generation of line, face, rectangle, circle, polygon.
    • Optimize 3D structure editing,Easier generation of cuboid, cylinder, sphere, cone.
    • Support defining contact.
    • Provide graphical user interface (GUI) and scripting methods for use.

VisualTCAD 2.2


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features:

    • Support stress induced multi-valley mobility model for Si and SiGe material.
    • Support crystal orientation related parameter for mobility models and quantum confinement models.
    • Add Si Schenk SRH-TAT model.
    • AC sweep support trap-detrap effects.
    • Support frequency domain based noise simulation.
    • Support statistical variation model based on IFM.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed convergence issue when charging a floating gate.
    • Fixed Surface Trap equilibrium state due to quantum confinement.


  • New features:

    • Add the in/out display setting interface in the 'draw pseudo color' picture of the 3d Visualization window.
    • Adjust the display method in the material doping picture to make the color transit smoother.
  • Bug fixes:

    • In 3d Visualization window, 'draw slice' picture color is not same with the 'draw->pseudo color' picture color.

Genes Process Simulator

  • Bug fixes:
    • If the STI area is larger than the initialize area, the extra part isn't deleted.
    • The depo axis cannot be completed, and the deposit polygon function is limited.


  • Various bug fixes

VisualTCAD 2.1-p4


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features:

    • Input deck switch to Tcl.
    • Enhanced support of thermal effect, update DDML2/DDML2QF solver and QDDML2A quantum correction solver.
    • Support Schenk, Hurkx and modified Hurkx BBT model.
    • Support VanOverstraeten and Okuto avalanche model.
    • Optimized simulation speed, the simulation time reduced 10-30%.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed Ohmic and Schottky boundary consistence with incomplete ionization.
    • Fixed Schottky boundary thermal equilibrium carrier density consistence with BGN.
    • CONTACT electrode potential now equal to Vapp-Workfunction, compatible with other TCAD tools.


  • New features:

    • Change the display style in the "field" show mode of the 2D Visual window when field range is set to "out" in the "Struct Property" dialog.
    • Add variable edit dialog in Advance menu of 2D Visual window, which can edit values of scalar, tensor, vector and alias. These variables can be used as CV2D module's default configure.
    • The default colors of cutline changed.
    • The colors of cutline in CV2D now have dark-theme and light-theme, that will change by background color automatically.
    • Change the cutlines default width to 1.5.
  • Bug fixes:

    • When inputting space in CV2D Variable Edit window, clicking save button, VisualTCAD will core dump.
    • The cutline white&black color RGB value is contrary to the requirement design in CV2D Variable Edit window.
    • For some kind of .vtu file , the probe data shows nil when using probe tool.
    • CV2D Variable Edit window will close when click enter key in input box of the column head.
    • right click the cutlinecolor-white box in CV2D Variable Edit window should popup the insert row/column options.

VisualTCAD 2.1-p2


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features:

    • Support half FinFET structure to accelerate the simulation.
    • Support Jacobian based extrapolate in DC sweep, which reduced the simulation time.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Fixed band gap narrowing mismatch with Fermi statistics.
    • Fixed equilibrium carrier density for recombination in density gradient based quantum solver.
    • Fixed numerical mismatch of Fermi function and inverse Fermi function.
    • Fixed gate thickness threshold for tunneling current, increased to 15 nm.
    • Fixed a parallel-only bug with inconsistent MOS channel element statistics.
    • Support user defined Neumann boundary location.

VisualTCAD 2.1-p1


Genes Process Simulator

  • Various bug fixes

Genius Device Simulator

  • Various improvments and bug fixes

VisualTCAD 2.1


Genes Process Simulator

  • New features:
    • New anisotropic etch support.
    • New deposit cmp and deposit fill support.
    • New selective epi support.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix ion tail distribution with large tilt angles.
    • Fix geometry issue to avoid creating very small regions.

Genius Device Simulator

  • New features:
    • New drift-diffusion solver DDML1QF which based on quasi-fermi potential instead of carrier density, which provides more accuracy resolution to off current.
    • New density-gradient based quantum effect solvers for advanced FDSOI and FinFET.
    • New Mobility models for MOS, FDSOI and FinFET.
    • Re-implemented small signal AC sweep solver for both classic and quantum effect drift-diffusion solvers.
    • Add material property support for silicon photonics.
    • Add carrier density export function with Matlab® V5 file format.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Improve C1 discontinuity of fermi function, improved convergence when fermi flag is on.
    • Fix convergence criteria when avalanche is on, avoid fake solution at breakdown point.
    • Fix AD error of half implicit solver which may cause current oscillation at large time step.


  • Bug fixes:
    • The saved file name of Schematic isn't shown on the Circuit Schematic window.
    • The Vector of electrical_field[V/cm] can't be plotted correctly.
    • Application quit automatically when Load from TIF file twice on a new Device Drawing window.
    • The system does not jump to the corresponding page that has been opened when Click "Show IV Data".
    • Fix showing LibGL error while opening VisualTCAD.

VisualTCAD 2.0


Genes Process Simulator

  • Various bug fixes


  • Various improvments and bug fixes

VisualTCAD 2.0-beta


Genes Process Simulator

  • First release of Genes 2D process simulator


  • Various improvments and bug fixes

VisualTCAD 1.9.4-3


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features:
    • add material GaO
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fix Intel Gold/Platinum CPU floating point bug

VisualTCAD 1.9.4-1


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features:
    • add material InGaP

VisualTCAD 1.9.4-0


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features:
    • Update displacement damage solver, match experiment well
    • Support surface charge in the insulator-insulator interface
    • Update to C++11
    • Misc bug fix

VisualTCAD 1.9.3-18


Genius Device Simulator

  • Bug fixes:
    • fixed ray tracing bug in the condition of multiple runs

VisualTCAD 1.9.3-17



  • Bug fixes:
    • fixed cgns display problem introduced in 1.9.3-15

VisualTCAD 1.9.3-15


Genius Device Simulator

  • Bug fixes:
    • fixed data hook uninititialized value problem introduced in 1.9.2
    • fixed a bug when region name exceeds 32 characters
    • fixed vtk io for n and p traps

VisualTCAD 1.9.3-4


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features

    • support Hurkx BTBT model
  • Bug fixes:

    • fixed a convergence issue introduced in 1.9.2
    • fixed divide-by-zero error in CdS material

VisualTCAD 1.9.3-1


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features

    • support displacement damage simulation.
  • Bug fixes:

    • fix a bug in IV curve export during TID simulation.
    • fix a bug about boundary inconsistency on AC simulation.

VisualTCAD 1.9.3


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features
    • Improve convergence of DC simulation by pseudo time method

VisualTCAD 1.9.2


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features
    • Rewritten TID effect solver which solves fully-coupled equations in all regions in the device.
    • Added support for boundary-layer profile, enabling user to specify trap profile near a boundary or interface.
    • Barrier-lowering effect at Schottky boundary is now calculated self-consistently.
    • Genius can be loaded as external simulator by a higher-level simulator, through Cogenda's SimuHub API, based on the Schur-complement method.
    • Optimized speed and reduce memory usage during simulation structure initialization.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes


  • New features
    • Support GDS data-type, in addition to layer number


  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed E-field rendering in CV2D module

VisualTCAD 1.9.1-5


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features
    • add new material: ITO
    • implement impact-ionization for GaN
    • support TID effect in floating-gate and nano-crystal flash memory
  • Misc bug fixes


  • Bug fixes
    • fixes a bug in GDSII file reading
    • removes unnecessary system library dependency

VisualTCAD 1.9.1-2

  • Supports Ubuntu16.04LTS
  • Supports FlexLM Dongle

Genius Device Simulator

  • New features
    • Support for 128-bit quad-precision floating-point numbers in simulation (RHEL7/Ubuntu1404 and later)
  • Bug fixes
    • fix bug in importing variables from mesh files
    • improve mesh quality with the Eliminate command


  • New features
    • Export structure in STEP format, compatible with FDTD simulator CEM.


  • Bug fixes and improvements
    • Improve default lighting in 3D visualization
    • Bug fixes in the scripting interface of the 2D visualization CV2D


  • New features
    • New programs: GIon/GProton for accelerated Monte-Carlo integration of events involving elastic and inelastic collision in the device
    • Added support for tau and mu particles

VisualTCAD 1.9.0-2


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features
    • Support for strain-dependent carrier mobility model
    • Boundary command parameter id now supports regular expression
  • Bug fixes
    • fix bug in relative convergence criteria
    • fix bug in importing doping species profile with incomplete ionization switched on


  • Bug fixes and improvements
    • Misc improvements and bug fixes in two dimensional visualization module CV2D

VisualTCAD 1.9.0


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features
    • Total Ionizing Dose (TID) effect solver enhanced, hydrogen center in oxide supported.
    • Oxygen-Rich Polycrystalline Silicon material (widely used in power devices) supported.
  • Bug fixes
    • A bug fixed in Single Event Effect (SEE) simulation with cylindrical meshes


  • New features
    • Re-meshing sup file (generated by process simulator suprem4) supported.
  • Bug fixes and improvements
    • Misc improvements and bug fixes in two dimensional visualization module CV2D


  • New features
    • Besides of NETGEN, a new mesh generator CTET added. CTET is more stable in geometry operations.


  • Bug fixes and improvements
    • bugs fixed, stability improved.

VisualTCAD 1.8.2-9


Genius Device Simulator

  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed miscellaneous bugs in mixed-mode transient simulation.
    • Improved imcomplete ionization model support in SiC materials.

VisualTCAD 1.8.2-8


Genius Device Simulator

  • Bug fixes and improvements
    • Improved convergence of TID solver.
    • Fixed a bug in SiC Masetti mobility model.
    • Fixed numerical round off problem about cylinder mesh generator CY2D and CY3D.
    • Fixed a bug in mixed-mode simulation when "solderpad" boundary is in contact with an insulator material region.
    • Fixed a bug in mixed-mode simulation where two sequential transient simulations suffers from a discontinuity in node voltage.
    • Support export of SPICE device internal state variables along with nodesets, so mixed-mode transient simulation can be restarted from a previously saved state without discontinuity.
    • Improved auto time step control of mixed-mode simulation.

VisualTCAD 1.8.2-6


Genius Device Simulator

  • New features
    • New solver for Total-Ionizing Dose (TID) effect.
    • Support simulation of x-ray pulse (dose-rate) effect.
    • Updated material models: diamond, 4H-SiC, GaAsSb, GaP, etc.
    • New VTK data structure to store field values on both sides of an interface in VTK files.
    • Support trap and other customer field definition in TIF files.
    • Added cylindrical mesh generator for modeling devices such as particle detectors.
    • Import several TIF mesh files at a time.
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a bug of AC solver. It failed when more than 2 metal regions shares one point.
    • Fixed several bugs in DF-ISE importor.
      • enable element data.
      • determine data type by function name instead of dataset name.
    • Fixed a bug of n_ie calculation with bandgap narrowing effect.
    • Fixed a bug in driving force of carriers with varying affinity, Nc, Nv, Eg, BGN.

Older Releases

Year 2014 and older